Working on a maximum of 1:3 staff to children ratio, we endeavour to provide a warm, bright and stimulating environment for our babies, in which our experienced staff will ease the transition from home to nursery. The babies will have daily garden time and take part in messy art activities, singing and music.
For toddlers, we have lots of creative activities and messy play. Working on a maximum of 1:4 staff to children ratio, the toddlers are taught social skills such as taking turns, sharing, making friends and being kind. We also encourage them to be independent, e.g. feeding themselves, wiping their own noses and potty training. Our small group activities give the opportunity for more structured learning.
Pre-school activities and planning take into account the growing needs of each child, following the EYFS framework. Working on a maximum of 1:8 staff to children ratio (1:13 in cases where we have a member of staff who is Level 6 qualified or higher), children will build on the skills already learned and will follow a more structured environment of planned and free choice activities to meet the seven key areas of learning, preparing them for their transition to school. At our Thornsett setting, our toddlers and pre-schoolers are based together on the ground floor in an open plan room.